Saturday 11 May 2019

Project 2 Week 6

Project 2 Week 6

Peer Review: 

Hero Shots:

The walls faced to the south are all glass, allows indirect sunlight to come inside. The north side has sunshades above to avoid direct sunlight.

Detail Shots:


Study Seats
The study spaces have a movable shade above, and also shaded by the big tree next to the Roundhouse. 

Computer Labs


Project 2 Week 5

Project 2 Week 5

Axonometric GIF: 

Project 2 Week 4

Project 2 Week 4

36 textures: 

These are 3 textures I will apply on my model. 




Friday 10 May 2019

Project 2 Week 3

Project 2 Week 3



I have 4 years and 25 students each. So the lecture theatre could be small which only have 25 seats. There is no workshop because students can use workshops in Squarehouse. The library is quite small because it only contains high-used books. 


I want computer labs and the gallery next to the glass wall to gain indirect natural light. The glass wall allows students who use computer labs to take a rest after look at the screen for a long time. The lecture theatre and library are located at north side of the building.

Project 2 Week 2

 Project 2 Week 2

Two point perspectives:

Moving elements:

Both of my moving elements are sun shade. First one is for the gallery, the sunshade can rotate clockwise to allow natural light into the gallery while there needs a bright environment and can be closed to avoid direct sunlight. Rotate the sunshade in an anticlockwise direction can allow the wind to come in without direct sunlight.

The second shade is above the study spaces as well as the connection between two buildings. This shade can open and close to control the sunlight in and out study spaces.

Monday 29 April 2019

Project 2 Week 1

Project 2 Week 1

One point perspectives:


“Green or sustainable building is the practice of creating and using healthier and more resource-efficient models of construction, renovation, operation, maintenance, and demolition.”

Keywords: sustainable

I mainly focus on the solar system and trying to achieve the most efficient sunlight by examining the different height of winter sun and summer sun.

Article source:

Lumion Rendered picture: 

I use the effect of sunlight to achieve a bright atmosphere. And I took pictures for different sun direction which is related to the theory.

I use the effect of sunlight to achieve a bright atmosphere. And I took pictures for different sun direction which is related to the theory.

Saturday 23 March 2019

Hero and Detail Shots

There are hero shots and detail shots for my submission.

These two images below are the hero shots of my final model. This angle shows the entire view of the upper level, lower level, and the outdoor showroom. The glass shade allows natural lights to go through the showroom. The sunlight could go through the cave-like lower level at dust. 

This detail shot is one of my favourite which is the view of the lower level, and it is the working place for Auto Fabrica. The triangle shape glass windows on the ceiling enable the natural lights to come in. The glass triangles on the floor allow visitors to see the interesting shape above the floor. 

The images below are the detail shots for the stairs. The first one is for Auto Fabrica. Because of its underground position, I add a spotlight for illuminaton. The second image shows the stair for Bernabei Freeman. This stair allows visitors to go in both working spaces. 

There are some other shots for the outside showroom as well as the inside of the Bernabei Freeman working space. 

Project 2 Week 6

Project 2 Week 6 Peer Review:  Hero Shots: The walls faced to the south are all glass, allows indirect sunlight to come inside...